All Roads Lead to You, but Not to Your Happiness

Our traditions keep us somewhat balanced at the center of our individual landscape, just as an animal’s landmarks and pathways keep it at the center of his own. It is safe at the center of our landscapes. Just as all roads lead to Rome, all our landmarks and pathways lead to us — to me, to you, to him, to her. All landmarks and pathways are unique to the individual who uses them.

But the land of the self-centered is not necessarily a happy land. True happiness is often obscured and made invisible by the landmarks and pathways to which we are habituated. We can move beyond the edges of our landscapes by conscious ritualing.

When landmarks and pathways lose their efficacy, when things fall apart, ecosystems reveal themselves. It is no coincidence that we are learning to appreciate ecosystems just as we are destroying the planet. This is actually a gift.