Scientific philosophers have an explanation for the reality we experience: it’s an illusion. All that we perceive with our senses, including the thoughts in our own heads, are just illusions. We are nothing more than a pack of neurons, while reality consists only of what they (scientists) can measure withContinue Reading

While nature calls to mind the whole shebang, ecosystems describe the relationships between all of it. Ecosystems speak more specifically to the processes of nature. Nature is a state of being while ecosystems suggest how it came to be, and suggest where it might be going. Ecosystems are a spiritualContinue Reading

All animals have evolved in landscapes to chase matter, to desire it, and often, to possess it. Landscapes are competitive, full of struggle and desire. But ecosystems consist of many landscapes together, co-existing in harmony. So, on an individual level all living beings must deal with competition. But in those momentsContinue Reading