I allow the objects I desire to comprehend, to act tranquilly upon me; I then observe the impression I have received from them — Goethe (1749-1832) Goethe shows us the way which science has missed. He noticed details, just as a scientist — or a natural philosopher — must; yet,Continue Reading

Never play anything the same way twice — Louis Armstrong (1901-1971) When we repeat our rituals over and over, they become routine. When we become conscious of our rituals, they come back to life. That is the simple source of all that is magical.

I watched a poor, withered small leaf hanging from its branch. There was no breeze blowing (that I could sense), yet it flitted as it hung, back and forth, back and forth, waiting for the moment when it would fall.  Of course, it wasn’t really waiting, but I imagined thatContinue Reading