Ernst Cassirer gave the name momentary gods to the things that fortuitously come to our rescue. He mentions a man during a time of drought who discovers a hidden spring, and for some time after this, his tribal family respects that spring as if it were a deity – aContinue Reading

Ideals arise from our interpretation of what our senses send us from the outer landscape. We taste a blackberry off the vine – how close is it to perfectly ripe? Ideals are self-consuming artifacts: eventually, we let go of them. Ideals are no longer necessary once their purpose is achieved. TheyContinue Reading

When two strangers meet, their consciousness connects through qualia. They see each other. Sounds pass back and forth. Certainly, they judge each other, but good people (and all people have goodness in them), are searching for something they hold in common, some shared qualia. (Even a name – “that wasContinue Reading

Magical realism does not just exist in novels; modern man lives in a state of magical realism, too. Our landscapes tell us plenty of myths and stories. They say, for instance, that if we keep our eyes on the “correct” landmarks, and follow the “right” pathways, success (travel, romance, riches,Continue Reading

At its root, all consciousness is the sense of endurance – or perhaps the failure of the sense of endurance. Another way of putting it is that all consciousness is a sense of belonging, or its loss. To endure is to belong. Subatomic particles, which flash in and out ofContinue Reading