It is easy to put our faith in qualia, yet it is hard to put our faith in ideals. This should not discourage us. We have eons of evolutionary success placing our faith in qualia. Ideals, on the other hand, only came along when we started paying attention to the innerContinue Reading

Consciousness renders the world fixed. Once fixed, evolution slowly moves the old landscapes into the background, where they always remain a force (though we may not be conscious of it – just as we are not terribly conscious of the stars from which we came, or even the mountains offContinue Reading

Sleep is to ecosystems as wakefulness is to landscapes. The former are qualiadelic while the latter are materialistic. Sleep is the Yin to wakefulness’ Yang.

I drive to work every day along the same route. It often happens that I suddenly have the feeling I don’t know where I am. Then, looking around, I realize I am exactly where I am supposed to be. What has happened? I have missed a familiar landmark. I haveContinue Reading