Sense Begin by using the senses and the heart to notice qualia and to perceive the landscape. While the senses grasp the surface qualia of things — the color, the shape, the smell, etc. — the heart seems to intuit the inner qualia of things — how qualia informs them. Alas, human beings are so enraptured with thinking that our ability to think with our hearts has atrophied. The brain, however, will translate if we get it out of the way first.
Think Now listen as meaning appears in the brain. Meaning often takes the form of ideas, patterns, forms, phrases, and even complete theories and stories. These are ways of understanding which make the whole greater than the sum of the parts. When matter begins to appear as self-organized systems — begins to appear to have life — then our brain is hearing the meaning of the heart and senses.
Give Share your qualia. Every step toward community is a conscious ritualing. That is, the qualia we receive through sensing and thinking must be nurtured into expression, so that we can share it.
Accept What goes around comes around. Paying it forward. Karma. etc.
Community Community is not just about belonging is also about sharing. The need to belong rises out of the need for identity. The whole individual, the self-organized being, belongs by virtue of his or her sharing; gifts emerge spontaneously out of self-organization. An individual will have far more to contribute, and to share with the community, by concentrating on his or her own self-organization than being mired down by any wish to belong.