If you seek community, then know this: Consciousness is fundamentally the sense of belonging. Even matter has consciousness: consider a melting snowflake, at the last moment, an individual molecule of water grasps before letting go. Qualia binds us all in community just like that water molecule. And Qualiadelic Relationships areContinue Reading

The link below is to a mind-blowing essay. It describes what is, basically, a positive feedback loop between occult magic and desire has given birth to the internet. In this context it doesn’t seem all that strange that we could create reality (i.e. make all our desires come true). ThisContinue Reading

With the Qualia Quotient, we are always trying to pull our Interest and Participation levels toward the center at 5 out of 10 – so that each are matched as closely as possible in the middle. Interest Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ParticipationContinue Reading