There is always qualia available, ready to reveal itself to us, when we need it. It may be hidden by our usual landmarks and pathways, by the habit of not having had to seek it. It may be beyond our immediate landscape, in someone else’s landscape, and we must journey to find it. Whatever work we must perform to bring ourselves into its vicinity, once we are there it will reveal itself, and then we can play with it, experiment with it – consciously ritual with it – to see if, indeed, it is good.
There is so much more qualia out there than our senses can detect. We can only see a small section of the spectrum of light, or hear a tiny percentage of sound frequencies, or vibrational textures. So too, for all of our immense, imaginative capabilities, there are entire universes which lay infinitely beyond our ken. We cannot even foresee the immediate future waiting for us tomorrow! But qualia will always be there, waiting for us to come near.
When we need it, qualia will come. Its role is to help us endure. It provides the patterns and laws that hold matter together, be that the matter of carbon molecules or human cultures. All matter seeks duration, belonging, or meaning. I suppose qualia seeks the same from matter in return. I suppose there are some very qualiadelic beings, right here on earth. Maybe they need us!