Ritualing goes back to the beginning of time. It is the original tool for survival. It transforms the landscape. It transforms the community. It transforms the self. When things fall apart, there is a moment of crisis, and in that moment, a solution must be found. Even when the forcesContinue Reading

The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, said that one cannot step into the same river twice. Alas, we are all too much a part of that river. If there is a purpose in life, perhaps it is to step out of the river, out of the stream of time itself. It willContinue Reading

Love is an aesthetic state of being. From moment to moment it is either in a state of growth or decay, either beautiful or sublime. It is only unhealthy when the Qualia Quotient is all in extremes, when our Interest and Participation levels are too high or too low, loveContinue Reading