Holding to an ideal is as hard as breaking an addiction. In fact, the two skills are complimentary; to do one at all gives us the confidence to do the other. Very few people are hip enough to pay attention to it, but those who are realize that qualia revealsContinue Reading

Generally it is the role of art to expose the degradations and depravities of whatever culture in which it might be created. Really, it is a misnomer to produce “art” that champions any culture, no matter how minor or exploited – that role is for obsequious sycophants and toadies, notContinue Reading

It is not a novel thought, I know – the charm of the old, sweet love songs, is well known, and it is easily dismissed as mere nostalgia – but in the context of today’s highly addictive landscape, it resonates in important ways. It occurred to me that the oldContinue Reading