I like to read because the pauses between paragraphs in a book or between the verses of a poem (or a song) are mindful (and not mindless) pauses – they improve us; we reflect, we smile. In such pauses a thought often appears in us already formed, but almost unnoticed,Continue Reading

Ecosystems express themselves through us, through our inner landscapes, and that is why we can have happiness. Our awareness of ecosystems does for us what prayer does for those who believe in God: it makes us a center, through which a greater power takes form. Prayer is not an asking,Continue Reading

The human landscape, from planned obsolescence to science, from the arts to spirituality, is full of lessons on how to ritual consciously. Alas, the reason we don’t make the most of these lessons is that we are interested in qualia only insofar as it leads us to matter. For instance,Continue Reading