Evolution made things stand still. When the first life forms appeared in the primordial soup, or wherever, all landscapes were in flux. There were few landmarks and pathways to follow – perhaps only the qualia of heat, light, vibration, and maybe some chemical acids and bases. However, qualiadelic relationships, overContinue Reading

Pain, like every thing else we perceive, is qualiadelic. Our senses have evolved to notice it. As in all qualiadelic relationships, on one side there is qualia projected (pain sent from your nerves and your brain), and on the other side qualia is received (sensed by your mind). Over timeContinue Reading

No matter where qualia comes to us from, once we are aware of it, it becomes part of our landscape. It becomes local. The consciousness of a plant or animal is always intimately tied to the landscape, for it is determined by the landscape. Landmarks in the landscape project qualia,Continue Reading