The Tao Is Full of Kings
The Tao Te Ching is full of kings who left realms vast behind, Like atoms who with tiny qualms from molecules unbind. — Qualiens
Qualiens is my pen name. If we were all more qualiadelic we could be a new species: Homo qualiens. Not that I consider myself to be so evolved; I'm just happy to have received so many qualiadelic ideas. I think we will be seeing some really qualiadelic people come along. Soon.
My real name is Tony Brussat. I have an app called "BeQualiadelic"
The Tao Te Ching is full of kings who left realms vast behind, Like atoms who with tiny qualms from molecules unbind. — Qualiens
Welcome to Planet Qualia. It is my goal to get people to focus on qualia instead of matter. Everything our senses pick up is qualia — color, sound, texture, etc. — and it sends us chasing after matter. We evolved that way. A finch sees red and it leads himContinue Reading