The question is often asked, “how can I replace the cravings?” And the answer is “with the play of thoughts.” When you can’t observe the surface of something without wondering about what lies beneath, you have stepped into the play of your thoughts. The play of thought is often, sadly,Continue Reading

My cat, Beaujolais, stares at things with a slight tilt of the head. There is an asking in that look. An inquiring. Curiosity, I think. If the thing moves, Beau reacts. He investigates — but only enough to see if it is worth playing with. Like all animals, Beau rituals.Continue Reading

There is always qualia available, ready to reveal itself to us, when we need it. It may be hidden by our usual landmarks and pathways, by the habit of not having had to seek it. It may be beyond our immediate landscape, in someone else’s landscape, and we must journeyContinue Reading