There is a deep longing within everyone to belong. We want to feel we have some importance. But we are like goslings imprinted upon the wrong mama goose. Somewhere along the line we became imprinted upon the human landscape instead of ecosystems. It is in ecosystems we will find ourContinue Reading

Stand tall like a tree! Breathe IN With every strong breath in, feel it invigorate the neurolandscape of your brain. Breathe OUT The mind is something apart from the brain, something else altogether – something infinite. So, with each breath out feel the expanding space of self. Feel the currentsContinue Reading

It is fortunate for us, however, that Nature is so imperfect, as otherwise we should have no art at all — Oscar Wilde How true, how true — but alas, art is, truly, less perfect than nature. When are we going to learn that we can imagine the ideal, butContinue Reading