If you focus on qualia instead of the matter of the world you are filled with wonder, sometimes with questions, and occasionally with answers. Wonder can always inspire us
with feelings of awe and respect, while the questions that may arise out of wonder do not always need answering.

Wandering into qualia is wonderful. It is beautiful and it takes us beyond the human landscape. Thinking about matter may be interesting; answering questions is sublime but “knowledge” leads us to focus too much on the human landscape.

The human landscape is a Big Dopamine thing, and it turns us into addicts, while qualia is a Little Dopamine thing, and it does not lead to addiction. Little Dopamine can turn the Big Dopamine thing around, and help us recover from an economy based on addiction.

The thing about matter is that, when it is possessed, it possesses you: you want to keep it. When you are possessed by qualia, on the other hand, you want to share it; and when you share it, well it still belongs to you! That is why qualia, and wonder, are so inspiring.