Perhaps one of my favorite “laws” is the Webber- Fechner effect (which is probably far more nuanced than my example here). If you walk up a seesaw towards the center, the movements of the seesaw start out drastic, but as you get to the center the seesaw moves less andContinue Reading

We are survival machines – robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment –Richard Dawkins (1941-present) We may be machines, but we are not blindly programmed. We are a renaissance awaiting. There are grasshoppers which canContinue Reading

So when I talk about a snowflake melting or subatomic particles coming together – basically that fundamental connection in which qualia helps matter endure – and I say there’s a sense of belonging, well, even though we don’t want to call it consciousness (because we just don’t know) we actuallyContinue Reading