Perhaps one of my favorite “laws” is the Webber- Fechner effect (which is probably far more nuanced than my example here). If you walk up a seesaw towards the center, the movements of the seesaw start out drastic, but as you get to the center the seesaw moves less and less until you are balanced at the center.

The Webber- Fechner law applies to your perception of these movements. In maintaining balance your adjustments and your senses become even more refined. You are able to notice slighter and slighter changes in the position of the seesaw. What I like about this is the gradual transition from unconscious instinct to conscious awareness.

And then, at balance, the mind becomes suddenly free. We can take our concentration off of our bodies and look around, beyond ourselves. This concept is everywhere in our lives, from driving a car to reading a book. It even applies to falling asleep, and if we are truly centered we can experience the theta brainwaves – the dreams begin to reveal themes to us in the spacetime of half-sleep.

In times of crisis, as we need it, new qualia will appear when we are similarly balanced and mindful. Thus, the success of our conscious ritualing is related to the Webber- Fechner effect.

Here there is a danger (or a blessing) a la the butterfly effect. The smallest adjustment, maybe unconscious (autonomic/instinctive) or conscious (inspired by a thought) could start a cascade toward chaos. But then again, systems in chaos self-align. When things fall apart, this is how being qualiadelic can shake the entire world out of its materialistic devastation.

So be qualiadelic already!