Just as being qualiadelic brings the distant god of the Western Word down here, to reality on earth, so too does being qualiadelic bring the Eastern concept of emptiness back to ecosystems. In fact, it helps to explain much.
When our familiar landscape falls apart, our usual landmarks and pathways often prevent us (or any being) from discovering the new qualia we need to survive. Our habitual landmarks and pathways are similar to karmic traces (our lifelong psychological proclivities, usually negative) preventing us from a successful, earthly bardo experience.
But when we are qualiadelic we can see through and beyond the old landmarks and pathways that aren’t working anymore. We can now notice the new qualia we need, when it appears, to help guide us through this crisis.
When things fall apart we are left in a liminal, in-between state. It is an empty gap. The beautiful thing is that out of this gap, out of this emptiness, emerges the nature of ecosystems. It is the nature of ecosystems to reveal new qualia, just as god reveals his Holy Spirit, to help us navigate a crisis.
As well, such a way of understanding as this allows us to dispense with the unfortunate distinction between the concepts of natural and supernatural. Instead, we have qualia and matter.
See also Aeon
“As for the idea of the supernatural, ironically this turns out to be far more important for the identity of those who wish to deny its reality than it had ever been for traditional religious believers.”