There is some debate about which is more important, a flower’s seeds or its blossom. Seeds, of course, carry the flower’s DNA into the next generation, but the blossom is the flower in full potential. In a human, we are slaves to our own seed, our own DNA; but weContinue Reading

Aeon I am quoting the final paragraphs of this essay by Mariel Goddu without further comment. The first two-thirds of the article talks about cause and effect in the growing mind of children and animals. The descriptions of cause and effect nicely resemble ritualing, which animals do instinctually andContinue Reading

Ecosystems are cooperative. Landscapes are competitive! Yes, there is competition in ecosystems, but it is not the norm. A niche represents stability, where each species is attracted by landmarks and pathways that reveal what they need to survive – but each are led by different aspects of similar landmarks andContinue Reading