If you focus on qualia instead of the matter of the world you are filled with wonder, sometimes with questions, and occasionally with answers. Wonder can always inspire uswith feelings of awe and respect, while the questions that may arise out of wonder do not always need answering. Wandering intoContinue Reading

What separates us from the animals is that qualia lands in their bodies but it lands in our minds. That is, the stuff the senses may reach all the way to their brains, but it effects are instinctual – they merely react, or not. They are spellbound, while we areContinue Reading

Joseph Campbell, the beloved interpreter of mythical stories from around the world, said that rituals are re-enactments of myths. He also said, however, that technology has changed the world too much, and we need new myths. Conscious ritualing is a way to create new myths. Ritual is a universal activity, aContinue Reading