Qualiadelic Afterlife
Remember the clear light, the pure clear white light from which everything in the universe comes, to which everything in the universe returns; the original nature of your own mind. The natural state of the universe unmanifest. Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it. It isContinue Reading
Qualia, telos, and enlightenment
Qualia inevitably suggests an ideal which draws us onward. We either move toward it or fall off away from it, creating an aesthetic. But here is the rub: we can start as if we were already there, at the ideal, and we triangulate backwards from it. Beginning from the endContinue Reading
Ideally, Imagination
When we think of an ideal, we think of it as a performative peak toward which we strive – a movement either toward growth, which is beautiful, or a falling away toward decline, which is sublime. The ideal, in that triangulation from the beautiful and the sublime, is something weContinue Reading