Why Does Qualia Reveal Itself?
There is a simple reason why qualia comes to our rescue when it does. Just think of it as living. It needs to survive. We know that the flower and the bees need each other to survive; we never think that maybe the colors, smells, tastes, textures, and sounds whichContinue Reading
Qualia Seeds
When a tiny dust or pollen particle encounters water vapor high in Earth’s atmosphere, the water vapor coats and freezes it into a tiny crystal of ice. This tiny crystal is the “seed” from which a snowflake will grow. New qualia in the mind is like this seed. At someContinue Reading
Shiny Objects
As we are evolved from other animals, I think there is an innate need to notice little objects and to collect them – for food, sustenance, medicine, even status. But also, maybe like crows, we just like to hoard shiny little (useless?) baubles. The human ability to collect facts andContinue Reading