I watched a poor, withered small leaf hanging from its branch. There was no breeze blowing (that I could sense), yet it flitted as it hung, back and forth, back and forth, waiting for the moment when it would fall.  Of course, it wasn’t really waiting, but I imagined thatContinue Reading

I wonder when I am mesmerized by a flame devouring a log. Is it like hunger? Is it a need? – not my hunger or need, but the fire’s. I mean by the longing and hanging on until the last moment.  If you watch a fire and enjoy it atContinue Reading

I’ve always believed that the mind is apart from the brain with its complex network of neurons. The brain’s intricate biological system reflects the outer landscape through which it evolved.  Now, in our human evolution we’ve reached a point where much of this outer landscape no longer excites us –Continue Reading