Qualia Is for Lovers
What qualia and love have in common is that they both pull us into relationships. In fact, love is a form of qualia, just like color, or smell, or texture, or pattern. Like all qualia, we only know it because we sense it; neither love nor color really exists exceptContinue Reading
Freeing the Mind
We have stilled the outer landscape in order to name and to know it, and now we are stilling the mind in order to define it. But, with all our psychological diagnoses and personality labels – the “clinical” landmarks and pathways of our inner landscapes – might we not beContinue Reading
Relativity and Ego
As the mind lets go of Big Dopamine, it lets go of ego. It lets go of the landscape at whose center the ego once held sway. Then the mind attains a balanced position from which it can begin to experience the landscapes of other beings around us. The mindContinue Reading