How the Butterfly Effect Can Save the Planet
Perhaps one of my favorite “laws” is the Webber- Fechner effect (which is probably far more nuanced than my example here). If you walk up a seesaw towards the center, the movements of the seesaw start out drastic, but as you get to the center the seesaw moves less andContinue Reading
Qualiatavistic Futures
We are survival machines – robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment –Richard Dawkins (1941-present) We may be machines, but we are not blindly programmed. We are a renaissance awaiting. There are grasshoppers which canContinue Reading
Black Holes and Belonging
So when I talk about a snowflake melting or subatomic particles coming together – basically that fundamental connection in which qualia helps matter endure – and I say there’s a sense of belonging, well, even though we don’t want to call it consciousness (because we just don’t know) we actuallyContinue Reading