Culture, despite its refinements, is all about pleasure. All the energy of the world seems to be spent, either on satisfying cravings, or creating new or better ones. As soon as our Participation Levels catch up, our Interest Levels go bounding off ahead. We are like a mountain goat whoContinue Reading

For millennia after millennia, the consciousness of plants, animals, and people was determined solely by qualia on surface of things. But it is the qualia within things which makes them greater than the sum of their parts. Green leaves, acorns, bark, roots make up a tree; but tree-ness is somethingContinue Reading

Compare the passion of teenagers to the love between husband and wife. The one swiftly passes like a burnt-out match, while the other endures through a long series of life events. Teenage love is Big Dopamine love. Neurotransmitter flooding. Over time, love becomes a Little Dopamine phenom. Conscious ritualing withContinue Reading

We don’t have to play by the rules of matter. We don’t have to carry a big stick to make the world do our bidding. By focusing on qualia, the good things, the gifts, will come to us. The gifts have always been plenty, All of our gifts come fromContinue Reading

Evolution and civilization have separated us from the Tao. In order to get back to the Tao we must separate from evolution and civilization, stepping out of them as if we were stepping out of a stream – a stream of time, and evolution, and history. Impossible as this mayContinue Reading