Unknowable Tao
Every evolutionary step is the result of qualiadelic relationships: as we ritual with qualia in the landscape, (redness, for instance), not only do our eyes evolve (to see red better), but so does the landscape (flowers display brighter reds). Landscapes would not exist at all if it were not forContinue Reading
Animals are not often torn between this or that qualia, the way we humans are. Animals don’t have to choose which cereal to buy, which career to choose, or which candidate to vote for. Depending upon the time of day, the season, and many other factors, they usually know exactlyContinue Reading
The Inner Landscape Pushes Back
We, like all animals, have evolved to react to qualia in the outer landscape, but at some time in the last fifty-thousand years we began to pay attention to new qualia – the qualia of our inner landscape. The interest we pay to the qualia within forms it into somethingContinue Reading