Amazing Journey

Remember The Who? Remember their rock opera, “Tommy?” The music on that record was some of the first to ever touch me deeply. I was probably about eight years old when it came out. The lyrics on that album, it turns out, are full of qualiadelic wisdom.

“See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.”

This is a fine prayer to sing while walking through the woods. This will attune one’s qualiantennae to the ecosystem.

“Sickness will surely take the mind, where minds won’t usually go, come on the amazing journey, and learn all you can know.”

When we are “healthy” we are full of habitual behaviors. We notice the same landmarks and follow the same pathways, and, although they lead us to what we need, our rituals can turn into mere routines. But when things fall apart, when we are sick, the usual landmarks and pathways can stop working. On the amazing, qualiadelic journey, however, new qualia reveals itself to us, new pathways open up before us, and we discover new landmarks. We literally ritual them into existence.

But – we don’t have to wait for sickness to overtake us. We don’t have to wait for things to fall apart. We can ritual consciously any time we want. We can experiment for ourselves. We can play. We can heal ourselves. We can heal our communities. We can heal the planet.

I learned a lot from this classic Who record!