An addict is always up or down at one end or the other of the see-saw. He is never in balance for long. There is no “something greater” in his thoughts beyond satisfying the craving; and there is no center because he is dependent upon matters outside of his control.Continue Reading

When needs are being met, then Interest and Participation levels are in balance; and when needs are not being met, then Interest and Participation levels are not in balance. But there is something more to balanced Interest and Participation levels. They free us up to notice new qualia. Like standingContinue Reading

When Homo sapiens began to notice qualia in the mind, in addition to the qualia that our senses sense in the outer landscape, we begin to haveĀ ideas. Qualia, throughout evolution, has arrived through our senses, as signs in the environment. We notice signs, and react to them, generally without thought.Continue Reading