What separates us from the animals is that qualia lands in their bodies but it lands in our minds. That is, the stuff the senses may reach all the way to their brains, but it effects are instinctual – they merely react, or not. They are spellbound, while we areContinue Reading

Joseph Campbell, the beloved interpreter of mythical stories from around the world, said that rituals are re-enactments of myths. He also said, however, that technology has changed the world too much, and we need new myths. Conscious ritualing is how we create new myths. Ritual is a universal activity, a simpleContinue Reading

All of life communicates via the landmarks and pathways they have evolved to perceive, which consist of qualia they share, (presumably, most animal eyes see a tree, most prokaryotes discern temperature or light or some chemical flavor, etc. etc.), but which may have different meanings or interpretations depending on theContinue Reading

The naming of things has been central to making the human being what it is. Naming separates matter of things from the life, the motion, and the change which is their non-material essence. It turns subjects into objects, and objects into possessions (which, it turns out, own us). It takesContinue Reading

If we think of Little Dopamine, it’s kind of like all the little tiny creatures on the planet. I’m not talking about meek mice and anxious sparrows so much as the bacteria and microbes in the soil. Real tiny. We ignore them at our own peril – they play suchContinue Reading