What if our fellow creatures, plant and animal, perceive being alive from the “this is awesome” perspective – what if they are innately optimistic, content, with faith that gifts will always arrive in some form or quantity. If gifts are scarce in times of lack then they are appreciated allContinue Reading

Animals and plants have faith that qualia will lead them the matter they need to survive. The fertility of ecosystems is always a good bet. The fertility of the human landscape, we have learned, is not such a good bet

A cynical old Veteran I spoke with felt he had all the answers. Basically he had built himself a fortress that kept him safe. He had been hurt by others and reasoned that everyone is motivated by selfish choices. His favorite example was helping an old lady cross the street:Continue Reading

Yes, even “destructive” animals like termites benefit ecosystems. Ecosystems are full of growth AND decay, and it takes all kinds of organisms to break down dead matter (like wood for instance). Every stage of growth and decay creates new niches for more animals and plants. The only animal that doesn’tContinue Reading

“Culture wars” actually slow down the market economy while tolerance and diversity act like fertilizer, supercharging growth. Every new culture klatch gives birth to new markets, as well as new inroads for marketing. Capitalism thrives on diversity. This is too bad because individuals who identify with any new “minority” willContinue Reading