Something Greater

When we reflect on them, the fragments from our lives are like quotes from a book, or phrases from a piece of music; they recall for us the spirit of something greater – the whole work or our entire life – which we can’t possibly keep in our mind all at once.  This sense for the wholeness of things allows us to feel the meaning in our lives (or the lack of it).

It is this feeling that we seek in ritualing, when we return to it consciously in our search for the deeper significance hidden within ordinary things. Our sense of connection to something greater than ourselves becomes clear when we return again and again to our conscious ritualing. The forms and patterns that are revealed attract us, and improve our focus and concentration.

Qualia attracts matter – qualia attracted cosmic matter, earthly matter, and brain matter. Matter manifests qualia – matter manifested the laws of physics, geology, and biology. Together, matter and qualia evolve in qualiadelic relationships – matter evolves, and qualia evolves, too. Out of brains came minds.

Human beings are something greater than our bodies and our brains – we have a higher consciousness, an inner landscape, a mind. The mind is to the brain what ecosystems are to landscapes, and as we are materially connected to landscapes, we are qualiadelically connected to ecosystems. Ecosystems are the highest form of mind, of qualia; they are the pattern which gives ultimate meaning and purpose to human life on our planet.