A Moment of Eco Preaching

When I think how Ecosystems are like God, having created life on earth, and provided for us all with such bounty; and that ecosystems reveal this bounty through the qualia which guide our senses; and to think that, in this guidance qualia is like the Holy Spirit, which teaches us to love our ecosystems, to take care that we show them the reverence they deserve, that they not turn their back on us and punish us with lack and turn this Earthly paradise into hell – when I think of all this, of ecosystems as God and qualia as the Holy Spirit, I wonder then, who is the Son of God? — and it occurs to me that we are all the sons and daughters of God; all the living beings we recognize through our senses, with whom we share the planet, with whom we have evolved through generations ad infinitum of qualiadelic relationships, we are all God’s children; we are all Ecosystems’ children, and, knowing not what we do, we humans blaspheme and sin horribly when we exploit and enslave the plants and the animals to serve our needs at the expense of ecosystems, our Creators. Let us forgive ourselves and let us become qualiadelic!