All beings have seasons of plenty and seasons of famine. But what if our fellow creatures, plant and animal, perceive being alive from the “this is awesome” perspective instead of the “this kinda sucks” perspective? What if plants and animals are essentially optimistic and content, with faith that the giftsContinue Reading

To express ourselves well, we must notice what it is we are sensing carefully. We express what catches our attention – but we express that all too carelessly. It is qualia that catches our attention but we often describe mere matter. As Samuel Johnson said, “It is more from carelessnessContinue Reading

The brain, just like the body and the rest of the outer landscape, evolved to perceive, just like the rest of the senses, the qualia that clothes the world. The brain’s world, however, is not the same world as the world of the five, outward-facing senses. The brain, like anyContinue Reading

Our mind is what makes us in the image of ecosystems – oh, and ecosystems are divine. Indeed, when we pay attention to ecosystems you discover that the qualia they offer to us flows directly into and through our mind, revealing what we need to do to find contentment, andContinue Reading