I Like to Read

I like to read because the pauses between paragraphs in a book or between the verses of a poem (or a song) are mindful (and not mindless) pauses – they improve us; we reflect, we smile.

In such pauses a thought often appears in us already formed, but almost unnoticed, like theta wave dreaming we experience as we fall asleep. It is a practice, in Tibetan Buddhism, to catch the thought or dream before it dissipates – or better, just as it forms, or best of all, notice it even before it forms!

That is lucidity.

While reading we are, hopefully, slowing down time enough to read between the lines. But, we wonder, is what appears our own, and can we take credit for it? Is it new qualia revealing itself to us – and from where does it come?

The mind is connected to ecosystems – and ultimately it is ecosystems that get the credit!