There are three stages to every ritual: a separation from the routine, a middle period of controlled spontaneity, and a return back to the routine (only the routine has been altered by our experience of controlled spontaneity – that is, by what we learn). The SEPARATION stage: Crisis Whether itContinue Reading

Any description of something as a “matter” is nothing more than a simplistic interpretation of it. We call a tree, a tree because it looks the way it does and feels the way it does, et cetera, because of its evolution. But we don’t know what a tree really is,Continue Reading

Who are people trying to fool when they say “first give compliments, and then, before revealing to them what you have noticed that is not quite so complimentary use and instead of but!” Who is so daft they won’t detect this sleight-of-hand wordplay? However, there is a time when usingContinue Reading

When I walk (my favorite type of conscious ritualing), I often try to hold a couple of disparate ideas in mind that have presented themselves to me, either in something I’ve read, or heard, or seen, or thought of myself. As I walk I try to keep these ideas inContinue Reading