Evolution has made things stand still. When the first life forms appeared on the Planet, all the landscape was all in flux. There were few landmarks and pathways to follow – perhaps only the qualia of heat, light, vibration, and some chemical acids and bases. Qualiadelic relationships, over time, clarifiedContinue Reading

If God is merely an idea, then He is qualia, and if He is manifest then he is extremely qualiadelic. To notice qualia, however, is not necessarily to have a religious epiphany, but it may be the tipping point for some sort of conversion experience. The rewards of noticing qualiaContinue Reading

There is a simple reason why qualia comes to our rescue when it does. Just think of it as living. It needs to survive. We know that the flower and the bees need each other to survive; we never think that maybe the colors, smells, tastes, textures, and sounds whichContinue Reading