Modern Magical Realism

Magical realism does not just exist in novels; modern man lives in a state of magical realism, too. Our landscapes tell us plenty of myths and stories. They say, for instance, that if we keep our eyes on the “correct” landmarks, and follow the “right” pathways, success (travel, romance, riches, happiness, and whatever else we can dream of) will be ours. This story has a dark side, too: if we follow the wrong landmarks and pathways, we will suffer (or others will suffer because of us).

But reality — the landmarks and pathways we notice and follow — hides another reality behind it, and another one behind that. When things fall apart, the secondary, or tertiary realities are revealed to us. The magic of reality is in these revelations.

These days, much of our reality exists in the mind, which is rewireable – but it takes imagination. New qualia acts upon the neurolandscape just as surely as it acts upon the material, outer landscape, changing it.

New qualia, when it is revealed to us, must be consciously ritualed with. It may be unknown and vague at first, but it will become clear and manifest.

Magical realism is a gift from ecosystems. It will help us transform ourselves and our communities. All gifts come to us from qualia – we can put our faith in ecosystems.

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